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Straw hat, bright red glasses and orange bottle of sunscreen for sun protection

Ultraviolet Radiation: How to Protect Yourself

The more time a person spends outdoors the more their body is exposed to Ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV radiation, a form of non-ionizing radiation, is invisible to the human eye and cannot be felt. It can cause severe skin damage and lead to the development of skin cancer.

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Patient Wearing Head Coil During MRI Scan In Hospital

Diagnostic Medical Physics in Medicine: Why It’s Important

At Versant Physics, we provide a wide range of diagnostic medical physics services that help healthcare facilities safely and effectively execute procedures for the health and well-being of their patients. Our goal is to help facilities ensure their patients are protected from excessive levels of radiation and that diagnostic equipment is working appropriately, all while maintaining compliance with state and federal regulations.

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Radiation Protection Survey of Package with Pancake Probe

A Beginner’s Guide to Radiation Protection Surveys

The purpose of a radiation protection survey is to identify higher-than-normal doses of radiation in medical environments, labs, and anywhere radiation-emitting machines or RAM are used. In this brief guide we’ll talk about what a radiation protection survey is, why it is important, and the type of equipment required to perform a radiation protection survey.

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nurse guiding patient entering mri scanner

The Basics of Radiation Shielding in Medicine

Basic radiation protection guidelines can be summed up in three simple concepts: time, distance, and shielding. While both limiting the time spent and increasing the proximity to an ionizing radiation source is something that lies within the power of the individual, shielding and X-ray room design require careful planning and execution by the facility or Radiation Safety Officer.

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